June - October Farm Share Pick up - We deliver your share on Thursdays

Thursday Deliveries

Dudgeon - Monroe Neighborhood - Keyes Ave. 2-7pm (Apple CSA)*

Stalzy’s Deli - Atwood Ave. - 11:30am-5pm (Apple CSA)*

Meat People Butcher- Monona Drive - 11:30 AM - 6pm (Apple CSA)*

Fitchburg - 2975 Sub-Zero Pkwy, Hop Haus Brewing 1pm- 7:30pm (Apple CSA)*

Verona - S. Main St, Hop Haus Brewing - 4pm -7:30pm (Apple CSA)*

Epic Systems - Employees Only, Verona - 3pm - 10pm

Madison Computer Works - Mineral Point Road (Near West Madison) 1-5pm (Apple CSA)*

American Players Theater - Spring Green, WI (Employees Only)

Dodgeville, WI - Cathryn’s Market (N. Iowa St.) 10am-5pm (Apple CSA)*

Spring Green, WI - Convivio - Lexington Street - 10:15am-5pm

On Farm - Lone Rock, WI

* Apple CSA shares are available through www.bluerooforchard.com at certain pick up locations. Please refer to their website for more information and how to sign up. They handle their delivery separately.

You are emailed when your shares are delivered, some pick up times are earlier than stated. We give ourselves margin for traffic or delays. Please note the times businesses close as there is not flexibility there.

When you pick up your share at the small business or private residence we ask that you leave your boxes neatly flattened and stacked. This helps your site host keep their space neat and helps to maintain a happy site host relationship!

Shares are delivered in a re-useable box. Your vegetables are in a liner bag to protect them within the box. You can use the bag to bring them home and store in your refrigerator. Boxes stay at your pick up, we re-use the boxes.

Farming for you!