Happy Holidays & Farm News
/May your
holidays be filled with love, joy, and prosperity. Thank you for supporting us in 2018, we look forward to growing for you in 2019!
We hope you have a great holiday season! We are very close to taking some time to decompress from our move and are looking forward to seeing family this winter.
December means a bit of a slow down for us which gives us time to really dig in to the details of the farm and future planing. Below is a quick recap of things that we’ve been working on!
One of the transitions for the land will be to certify it to organic. Since we be bought the land we’ve been managing it organically. We’ve been working with our certifier (MOSA) for the last four years and have a good handle on how to move that process forward. We’ll be transitional to organic for 2019 and be able to officially certify in 2020. Other things that we are really excited about for the new farm is how much more accessible and easier it is to get to the new farm! We're working on plans to offer a couple of worker share opportunities, hopefully farm visits and tours and a road side stand. It's been exciting to dream and imagine new possibilities for how we farm going forward.
We've been endorsed by FairShare CSA Coalition, we'll have our official listing on their website by mid-December. For those of you who receive the insurance rebates or with FairShare’s Partner Shares & Snap Program this means you can continue to do so with our farm.
Did you see Steven on Wisconsin Public Television? You can see him talking about Farm Shares on Around the Farm Table at this link https://wptschedule.org/detail.php?epid=48134842
Let us know if you have any questions!
Elisabeth & Steven